Also consider some close combat scouts to screen them. They are strictly anti-infantry though, so I'd give them a heavy bolter rather than a missile launcher. Sniper scouts make up for their lost accuracy with their low points cost now. Using them is a gamble you can't afford to take with so few men on the board. They are a bit more 'killy', but not nearly survivable enough. Vangard veterans are overpriced compared to assault marines. I haven't actually played a single game of 5th edition yet and only played 4th as marines once, but in my opinion: SM Drop Pods are crazy cheap, though, so. I dunno.ĭrop Pods, huh? I've been pretty content running my dreadnoughts where they need to be. I'm in the process of pulling all the powerfists out of my list and replacing them with the power weapon / meltabomb combo (and denying myself the ability to shout, "I penetrate you with my fist!" at inappropriate times). You want to do a Powerfist (darn good against vehicles and your only option against monstrous creatures) or a Power Weapon (better than the 'fist against infantry than the fist) and a Meltabomb (better than the 'fist against vehicles) for 5 points less. And only ten guys? Your opponent could easily knock out all your scoring units or pick up an easy 2 KP if that's all you've got.Īs has been mentioned: Powerfist + Meltabomb = redundant. Scouts are one of the few things that aren't as good in the new codex. BA vets are pretty nasty and they can take Assault Marines as Troops, which shores up your otherwise very, very weak Troop choices there. It seems to me like you want to be running a Blood Angels list. Thoughts?īear in mind that I've only flipped through the new codex. Then I bring in the second dreadnought, the vanguard vets, and the 2nd assault squad near the locater beacon as they become available, essentially dropping down on top of him. I start by laying down cover fire with the snipers, and run Shrike up, getting him into Assault on turn 1. My strategy (such that it is) is to Infiltrate the 2 sniper squads and Shrike (with one the assault squads), and drop pod in the first dreadnought with the locator beacon on turn 1. My two major concerns are if the two missle launchers and the dreadnoughts are enough for tank busting, and whether the Vanguard Vets are costing me too many points. Troop: Scout Squad (5) (4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missle Launcher, Camo Cloaks, Sergeant Telion)įA: Assault Squad (10) (Sergeant Armed w/ Melta Bomb, Combat Shield, Powerfist)įA: Assault Squad (10) (Sergeant Armed w/ Melta Bomb)įA: Vanguard Veteran Squad (10) (Jump Packs)Įlite: Dreadnought (Heavy Flamer/Close Combat Weapon, Multi-melta, Drop Pod )Įlite: Dreadnought (Heavy Flamer/Close Combat Weapon, Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) Troop: Scout Squad (5) (4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missle Launcher, Camo Cloaks) As I've never actually played as Space Marines however, I could use some double checking on the viability of the list. I've been flipping through the advance copy of the new codex at my FLGS, and I put together a prospective list, inspired by (but not necessarily fielded as) the Raven Guard. So I'm thinking about putting together a 1500 point Space Marine army. I've been playing 40k for a few years however, my army of choice (Necrons) are nigh-on to useless until they get a new codex, which could be as much as 8 months from now, if you believe the rumors.